
Friday - March 22 - 2024

Exhibit - A student art exhibit & reception represented by UofS UX Collective and The Eighty-Eight Gallery.-"

Event Picture

Student Project

The Lamp

Artist: Herris Ferguson-"

"-The Lamp is created from the outside. The Lamp is a result of the actions of others. Each orb is a small piece, a single element, in service of The Lamp. Give yourself to The Lamp. Submit a piece of yourself to The Lamp. Merge and meld with the collective in The Lamp. Stare deep into The Lamp, and let The Lamp enter you.

Soul Of AI

Artist: Nacim Khelifi-"

"-This speculative design project casts a critical eye on our technological ambition to recreate sentient life, manifesting as a digital "soul" that flickers to life and fades to nothing with each visit. It prompts us to reflect: in our quest to emulate human essence through code, do we ascend to creators, or do we devolve into malevolent forces, manipulating existence itself? Through an evocative landing page, this project invites users to ponder the moral complexities of digital creation, urging a balance between our innovative pursuits and the ethical implications of playing deity in a world increasingly blurred between reality and simulation.

The Bottleneck

Artist: Lyin Mya-"

"-Sometimes you feel like you’re stuck in an episode of depression that you can’t get out of. Just when you think you’re out, you fall back in. But don’t worry. It’s okay to pick up things and restart.


Artist: Akshara Dash-"

"-Kanae is a little girl. Kanae is red. Kanae is anger. Her anger is pure and it makes the room grow bigger like a big red balloon. Kanae is the room. The room is Kanae. Inspired by the character of Kanae from Hiromi Kawakami's 'People from Our Neighborhood,' Akshara Dash's artwork 'Kanae' delves into the relationship between emotions and physical spaces. Kanae, depicted as a vessel of pure anger, embodies the energy that inflates the room like a colossal red balloon. Through this exploration, Dash reflects on her own relatability to Kanae and the symbiotic interplay between internal emotional spaces and external environments.

Unravelling Polymath

Artist: Kirk Ford-"

"-Kirk Ford is a Saskatoon-based audio and movement artist that places an emphasis on audience interactivity, exploring the intersection of dance, music, and computer technology. His work, Unraveling Polymath, is made with HTML and P5.js and multiple 1990’s open-source texture packs. Unraveling Polymath is a scintillation of consistency. Using the psychedelic and evocative designs of Hiroshi Sasaki’s Texture X and Image Land’s Stone, this work serves to bewilder the viewer with control over kaleidoscope of their design. As momentary phenomena become frozen through studious and diverse practice, the viewer is left with an appreciation for the complexity found in simple patterns and textures.


Artist: Basisah Mussarat-"

"-Juxtapose invites viewers to contemplate the intricacies of perception and the inherent duality of existence. It challenges us to question assumptions, probe beneath the surface, and confront the unsettling realities that often lie concealed behind the facade of the familiar. Through this exploration, we may gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human condition and the imperative to remain ever vigilant in our pursuit of truth.


What is Pixel.Palette?

-Pixel.Palette is an event designed to showcase websites as forms of internet art, where student as digital creators, web designers, and artists come together.

Can I join without any experience?

-We have basic workshops through out this event which guide and help you creating your own work (e.g., front-end programming, design and art )

Who can participate?

-This event is opened for every students and alumni of Usask, who are interested in creating a website as an art form!

Can I team up with others for my project?

-Yes, absolutely! You can participate in as a group project or individual work. Whichever is the choice, we encourage what better suits for you at Pixel.Palette.